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Acabo de leer el último artículo del interesante blog UTS, donde se analizan las declaraciones del lunes 12 de Abril del portavoz de la “coalición” en Irak, general Mark Kimmit. Entre otras cosas, al ser preguntado por el número de bajas, dijo:

Q:…Can you give us the figures and number of the casualtyies estimation, even if it is estimated?
GEN. KIMMITT: I can tell you that the coalition casualties since the 1st of April runs about 70 personnel have been killed in action. I can tell you that the casualty figures that we have received from the enemy is somewhere about 10 times that amount—what we’ve inflicted on the enemy.

In terms of civilian casualties, there is no reliable, authoritative figure out there. We would ask the Ministry of Health—perhaps once Iraqi control remains inside or is allowed back in Fallujah, they can get a fair, honest and credible figure, and not one that is somehow filtered through some of the local propaganda machines that are operating inside Fallujah.

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