Siguiendo el plan de “democratización” y “reconstrucción” de Irak, los administradores americanos estan pensando en reponer en sus puestos a cargos de la administración de Sadam. BBC News:
Iraq Baathists to get jobs back
The US administrator in Iraq says many former public sector workers who lost their jobs after the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime are to be reinstated.
Paul Bremer said members of the former ruling Baath party who had a clean record could return to their old jobs in the military or education.
Correspondents say the move, which was announced in a televised speech, represents a major shift in US policy.
The US administrator in Iraq says many former public sector workers who lost their jobs after the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime are to be reinstated.
Paul Bremer said members of the former ruling Baath party who had a clean record could return to their old jobs in the military or education.
Correspondents say the move, which was announced in a televised speech, represents a major shift in US policy.