**Bush hijo busca voto.**
New York Times, «[«Bush Campaign Seeks Help From Thousands of Congregations»:http://www.nytimes.com/2004/06/03/politics/campaign/03CHUR.html?ex=1401681600&en=ca7db55d6323d07f&ei=5007&partner=USERLAND]»
«The Bush campaign is seeking to enlist thousands of religious congregations around the country in distributing campaign information and registering voters, according to an e-mail message sent to many members of the clergy and others in Pennsylvania.
But Steve Schmidt, a spokesman for the Bush administration, said «people of faith have as much right to participate in the political process as any other community» and that the e-mail message was about «building the most sophisticated grass-roots presidential campaign in the country’s history.»
But Steve Schmidt, a spokesman for the Bush administration, said «people of faith have as much right to participate in the political process as any other community» and that the e-mail message was about «building the most sophisticated grass-roots presidential campaign in the country’s history.»
El apoyo prestado a los Bush por parte de una serie de organizaciones ultraortodoxas cristianas (Mel Gibson and company) explica muchas de las actitudes de estos especímenes. Las conexiones de estar sectas con organizaciones paramilitares es más que conocida, así como sus conexiones con productoras de cine, empresas privadas militares y de seguridad, eléctricas, petroleras…..
Y nadie da nada a cambio de nada.