El Parlamento europeo ha rechazado la inicativa legislativa de patentes de software.
Jonas Maebe, miembro de «FFII»:http://www.ffii.org/ ha declarado:
«This result clearly shows that thorough analysis, genuinely concerned citizens and factual information have more impact than free ice-cream, boatloads of hired lobbyists and outsourcing threats. I hope this turn of events can give some people faith again in the European decision making process. I also hope that it will encourage the Council and Commission to emulate the European Parliament to improve transparency and the ability of stakeholders to participate in the decision-making process irrespective of their size.»
– «European Parliament rejects software patents»:http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/European_Parliament_rejects_software_patents (WikiNews)
– «La Eurocámara rechaza la directiva sobre la patentabilidad del software»:http://www.elmundo.es/navegante/2005/07/06/softlibre/1120638414.html (El Mundo)