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El cambio climático y las medusas

El hielo ártico se reduce, las especies en peligro de extinción aumentan, medusas gigantes(*) invaden las costas de Japón, etc, etc. Blanco y en botella.
«Bold, creative action to stem climate change is needed now, Fréchette says»: (UN News)

The science is solid. The threat is clear. Yet our response is failing to meet the challenge«.
“This is science, not science fiction,” she added referring to the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. “Their authoritative assessment suggests that climate change is happening, that human activities are among the main contributing factors, and that we cannot wait any longer to take action. Indeed, the longer we wait, the higher the costs.”

«Currents in Climate Change»: (Scientific American Blog)

«Climate change is not a hoax, nor is it a conspiracy. It is a giant scientific experiment human beings are running on the only planet we currently have: What will happen when we bring greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere to prehistoric levels and beyond? Perhaps nothing, perhaps inundation of low-lying parts of the world, perhaps a flood of environmental refugees, perhaps an increase in disease, or perhaps the loss of oceanic currents that help regulate the present conditions of our world. Maybe all of the above and more. We can’t control the outcome of this experiment. We can, however, choose not to run it.»

«The Invaders»: (The Economist)

«No one knows the exact reason for the rise in the jellyfish population, but there are suspicions. One is the development of ports and harbours along the Chinese coast, which has created many more structures to which echizen larvae can attach themselves. Another is that the seas off China are choked with nutrient-rich run-off from farms and industry. A third is Chinese overfishing in local waters: with fewer fish, there are more of the kinds of plankton on which the jellyfish feed. A final possibility is global warming. But this is no time for finger-pointing, says Yukihiko Sakamoto, an official at the fisheries agency in Tokyo. Japan is proposing a joint-research effort with China and South Korea to get to grips with these monsters.»

«Medusas gigantes invaden las costas de Japón»: (Informativos Telecinco)

«En algunos lugares se ha registrado una densidad de medusas 100 veces mayor que la media. Las causas de este ingente brote todavía se desconocen, aunque algunos científicos creen relacionarlo con el aumento global de la temperatura del agua, un hecho estrechamente relacionado con el cambio climático.
Son mayor en número, pero también en tamaño. Los más de 150 kilos de estas medusas han despertado la curiosidad de algunos expertos, que culpan de esto a la sobreexplotación pesquera. Dicen que al disminuir el número de peces que hay en el mar la presencia de plancton es mayor; por lo tanto, las medusas tienen más comida disponible y al final terminan engordando por encima de la media.»

Ver también:
– «How do you tackle an invasion of giant jellyfish? Try making sushi»:,,3-1910322,00.html (TimesOnline)
– «Plague of giant jellyfish hits Japan»: (New scientist)
– «Britain’s biggest ever climate change demo»:
– «Rising seas force Islanders to move inland»: (ABC News)
(*) «Echizen kurage» en japonés

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