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Más claro imposible

Voy a reproducir las últimas declaraciones de Kofi Annan a la «BBC»: sobre la guerra de Irak.

Q: Are you bothered that the US is becoming an unrestrainable, unilateral superpower?
_A: Well, I think over the last year, we’ve all gone through lots of painful lessons. I’m talking about since the war in Iraq. I think there has been lessons for the US and there has been lessons for the UN and other member states and I think in the end everybody is concluding that it is best to work together with our allies and through the UN to deal with some of these issues. And I hope we do not see another Iraq-type operation for a long time._
Q: Done without UN approval – or without clearer UN approval?
_A: Without UN approval and much broader support from the international community._
Q: I wanted to ask you that – do you think that the resolution that was passed on Iraq before the war did actually give legal authority to do what was done?
_A: Well, I’m one of those who believe that there should have been a second resolution because the Security Council indicated that if Iraq did not comply there will be consequences. But then it was up to the Security Council to approve or determine what those consequences should be._
Q: So you don’t think there was legal authority for the war?
_A: I have stated clearly that it was not in conformity with the Security Council – with the UN Charter._
Q: It was illegal?
_A: Yes, if you wish._
Q: It was illegal?
_A: Yes, I have indicated it is not in conformity with the UN Charter, from our point of view and from the Charter point of view it was illegal._

2 comentarios en «Más claro imposible»

  1. Menos mal que Kofi Annan no ocupa un cargo de responsabilidad como por ejemplo, director de una sucursal de banco, sospecho que si le robaran diría «A los ladrones que nos vaciaron la caja fuerte les digo que lo que hicieron estuvo mal, espero que reflexiónen sobre ello allí donde esten gastando el dinero».

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